4-4-2 - meaning and definition. What is 4-4-2
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What (who) is 4-4-2 - definition

O 4-4-2 é um esquema tático usado no futebol que consiste no esquema de usar 2 laterais, 2 zagueiros, 4 Meio-campistas e 2 atacantes e além claro do goleiro, sendo que dois são meias de defesa, ou seja, volantes.
Locomotiva 4-2-2         
thumb|300px|Projeto da primeira locomotiva alemã 4-2-2, feito pela Börsig em 1840.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ⋯         
1+2+3+4+...; 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + · · ·; 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + …
thumb|upright=1.35|As primeiras quatro parcelas da série 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ⋯.
Examples of use of 4-4-2
1. "Before the Denmark game, we‘d played 4–4–2 and they did it extremely well.
2. And so Rooney, Rooney, Rooney segued into attack, attack, attack and then 4–4–2.
3. "People have been crying out for us to use a 4–4–2 formation and in the Blackburn game we played with a 4–4–2 system for the first time and lost!
4. In the last game, against Blackburn, we played for the first time with a 4–4–2 and the people in the crowd were shouting out for us to play 4–4–2.
5. "For the World Cup we should be able to play 4–4–2 normally.